Photo a Day

Cheshire Cat

Chesire Cat

10/30/2009, 3:58pm, Shelley, ID, f22, 1/80, Nikon D-80

Check Mate

Check Mate

10/28/2009, 11:23pm,Idaho Falls, ID, f5.6, 1/60, Nikon D-80

Jack O. Lantern

Jack O. Lantern

10/29/2009, 2:35pm,Idaho Falls, ID, f5.6, 1/60, Nikon D-80



10/31/2009, 7:12pm, Idaho Falls, ID, f4, 1/80, Nikon D-80



10/27/2009, 6:18am,Idaho Falls, ID, f5.6, 1/60, Nikon D-80



10/26/2009, 6:18pm,Idaho Falls, ID, f11, 1/200, Nikon D-80

Dead Tree


10/25/2009, 6:18pm,Idaho Falls, ID, f22, 1/320, Nikon D-80

I figured this week being Halloween and all, I would get shots that remind me of the holiday. They all have some kind of fall or Halloween feel to them, except the chess piece, I just thought that was a cool shot that turned out well.

7 thoughts on “Photo a Day

  1. Jason says:

    I really like the picture you took of the chess pieces and the chess board. The depth of field is really good on it. And the picture of the tree…it is a really interesting looking tree and the angle is unique.

  2. cantwaitbutwill says:

    Check Mate is awesome. The lighting and the crispness add so much character! Good work capturing a variety while maintaining your theme.

  3. Janae says:

    I love these shots! They are so unique and different – the angle, shallow depth of feel, the lighting, subject matter, etc, etc Nice job.

  4. GLEN says:

    I like your photo of the chess peices. It has a good shallow depth of field and lighting. The photo of the girls is good but it lacks a little in depth in part because of the wall behind them. The lighting on them is good though. The cord in the bottom right of the photo is a little distracting. BTW I like you photos and I only give suggestions. I don’t really expect all your photos to be perfect to me. I just wanted to point some things out that you may have not noticed. Keep up the good work.

  5. sharon says:

    REALLY good pictures! I like them all. I like the shallow depth of field in the chess piece picture but I feel that perhaps it could have been a tiny bit less centered. Really though, these are all bueno! Nice colors and angles!

  6. kurtrmoore says:

    Wunderbar! I love the cheshire cat and the chess pieces! The colors on the cheshire cat just pop and the shallow depth of field on the chess pieces make the photo look great! Great job!

  7. alexpleith says:

    I wasn’t going to comment since you already had 6 comments on this, but I really loved the chess piece image. The depth of field and choice of focus allows great contrast to the image. I also enjoyed the pumpkin image right below it.

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