Author Archives: thinklandon

HDR Photo’s from Bannack

Cabin ev 0
Cabin ev 0
Cabin ev -2
Cabin ev -2
Cabin ev +2
Cabin ev +2
Cabin HDR
Cabin HDR

10/07/2009, 4:39pm, Bannack, MT, f8, 1/30, Nikon D-80

Town ev 0
Town ev 0
Town ev +1
Town ev +1
Town ev -1
Town ev -1
Town HDR
Town HDR

10/07/2009, 11:44pm, Bannack, MT, f5.6, 1/200, Nikon D-80

I really enjoyed doing the HDR images. I tried to get shots that had good skies and were well put together compositionally. I learned that you’ve got to have your first shot set up perfectly so that when you combine all three the colors come out right.

Bannak Ghost Town

Door Knob

Door Knob

10/07/2009, 1:45pm, Bannack, MT, f5.3, 1/250, Nikon D-80


Gear Shift

10/07/2009, 4:57pm, Bannack, MT, f5.6, 1/1600, Nikon D-80

Barber's Chair

Barber's Chair

10/07/2009, 3:28pm, Bannack, MT, f4.5, 1/125, Nikon D-80



10/07/2009, 1:36pm, Bannack, MT, f5, 1/100, Nikon D-80

Ghost in the Closet

Ghost in the Closet

10/07/2009, 5:33pm, Bannack, MT, f22, 4″, Nikon D-80

Ghost Knife

Ghost Knife

10/07/2009, 5:40pm, Bannack, MT, f13, 8″, Nikon D-80

I really enjoyed the trip to Bannack. I tried to get some unique shots that other people might not think of, then I looked at other peoples shots and saw that my attempts were futile. In the portrait of Kurt, I copied the layer and decreased the brightness, then masked out everything, but the window because it was a little blown out in the original.  I adjusted the levels on the other images.

Flora and Fauna / Adjustment Layers



10/03/2009, 2:46pm, Ammon, ID, f5.6, 1/200, Nikon D-80



10/03/2009, 2:38pm, Ammon, ID, f5.6, 1/100, Nikon D-80



09/26/2009, 9:57am, Yellowstone National Park, f5.6, 1/400, Nikon D-80



09/26/2009, 12:55pm, Yellowstone National Park, f7.1, 1/1600, Nikon D-80

I took the shot of the pumpkin and dandelion because there are only a few flowers that are left alive and looking good at this time of year, especially after the frost we’ve had. I didn’t want to have the same shots as other people so I thought I’d try something a bit different. I took the other two in Yellowstone. I really like the way the chipmunk is kind of hidden in the shot. I would have liked to get closer and make him sharper, but he moved so fast it was almost impossible.

Gnarly Tree

Gnarly Tree

Tree with Gaussian Blur

Tree with Gaussian Blur

10/03/2009, 2:42pm, Ammon, ID, f3.8, 1/200, Nikon D-80

I chose to use the same image and do different edits to it so that I could show what one can do to an image. The first version has adjustment layers for brightness/contrast and hue/saturation. The second image has a smart filter with a gaussian blur. I copied the layer and then masked out the tree so that it appeared sharp and created a deeper sense of depth.

Landscapes/Still Life and Text/Grungy Edits

The Great Prizm Geyser

The Great Prizm Geyser

09/26/2009, 12:25pm, Yellowstone National Park, f7.1, 1/1600, Nikon D-80

The Fire Hole River

The Fire Hole River

09/26/2009, 09:57am, Yellowstone National Park, f4.5, 1/400, Nikon D-80

Yellowstone Valley

Yellowstone Valley

09/26/2009, 12:05pm, Yellowstone National Park, f16, 1/2000, Nikon D-80



09/26/2009, 12:26pm, Yellowstone National Park, f7.1, 1/1600, Nikon D-80

I took this assignment as an opportunity to go camping up in Yellowstone. The park is full of great scenery and beautifully intense color. I tried to vary the types of landscape that I captured in the park. This was made more difficult because of road closures and fires in the park, but I feel I met this goal. I got to see some parts of the park that I had to see in all my years of visiting. The light was very bright out side and so I struggled to find the right aperture and shutter speed to capture the color and not get blown out and washed out color.

Old Faithful

Old Faithful

Old Faithful with Vintage Effects

Old Faithful with Vintage Effects

09/26/2009, 11:17am, Yellowstone National Park, f16, 1/2000, Nikon D-80

Geyser Rock

Geyser Rock

09/26/2009, 12:21pm, Yellowstone National Park, f6.3, 1/1000, Nikon D-80


Grungy Text Edit



09/26/2009, 12:20pm, Yellowstone National Park, f6.3, 1/1000, Nikon D-80

I found this great tutorial online ( for giving images a “vintage” look, as if it were taken back in the early days of color photography. I used this tutorial as a starting point and added a grungy texture using an image of the ground around one of the geysers. I used an image of black algae for my grungy texture to do my text edit. I used the guide on page 15 of the Custom Images book.

Color and Cutouts

Color Exploreation Crane

Crane Color Exploration

Crane, 09/19/2009, 04:35 pm, Idaho Falls, ID, f5.6, 1/500, Nikon D-80

Fazzolies at Night Color Exploration

Fazoli's at Night Color Exploration

Fazoli’s at Night, 09/19/2009, 10:46pm, Idaho Falls, ID, f5.6, 1/4, Nikon D-80, Tripod

Daylilly Color Exploration

Daylilly Color Exploration

Daylilly, 09/19/2009, 10:03 am, Idaho Falls, ID, F8, 1/1000, Nikon D-80

I was inspired by the golden yellow of the daylilly. I saw it outside my apartment and thought that it really popped. I decided to take a macro shot of the daylilly. The crane is next to a grain elevator off of highway 20. I took several different shots of the crane from several angles and depths of zoom. I found this one to be the most interesting and I feel that the compliment between the blue sky and the crane creates a striking composition. Fazoli’s  at night was difficult to capture. The colors were either blown out or under exposed. I shot it using a tripod and timer to avoid any blur from pushing the button.





Dice, 09/17/2009, 03:34 pm, Idaho Falls, ID, f5.6/ 1/60, Nikon D-80

I took this picture on a dark background with the intent of cutting it out. The higher the contrast the easier it is to use the quick select and magic wand tools. I used the quick select to select most of the background and then I turned that selection into a mask to remove most of the background. I used the brush tool to clean around the edges. By using a mask I can change the background color with one click.